The “Jonathan Lack Review Archives” Weekly Update: All of 2007 and the 2008 Movie Reviews now available for your reading pleasure!
As described in this post, I’m uploading all of my old articles, from 2007 to when this website began in mid-2011, to a special Archive section on the site. When the project is done, Jonathan Lack at the Movies will have hundreds more articles – not just movie reviews, but DVD, Blu-Ray, TV, Special Features, and more! – and they will all be categorized by their original publication dates! Just use the sorting features on the right-hand side of the page to find the era or type of article you want to access, and it will be there for your reading pleasure!
This project is going to take quite a while to complete, though, as I’m uploading each article one-by-one. So I’m going to post a weekly update (usually on Tuesday, but this was bumped for yesterday’s “Monthly Stuff” podcast) informing you of my progress, what to expect in the week ahead, and linking to cool articles from the time-period I’ve been working on. Read this week’s update after the jump…
In the past week, I have completed the following:
1. All of the 2007 articles I plan on re-publishing are live on the website. This is 46 articles in total, including 22 movie reviews, 6 DVD reviews, 3 HD-DVD reviews (remember when that was a thing?), and an assortment of special feature articles, including a series where I revisited old movies receiving the sequel treatment that year. Two of the articles posted – both “Harry Potter” reviews – have never been published prior to now. There are a few articles from 2007 I held off on posting for various reasons, mostly because I felt they were so based on current events that they would be of no use to anyone anymore.
2. All of the movie reviews from 2008 are live – 45 in total – along with “Top Ten Films of 2008” list. That’s less than half of my published material from 2008, but it will all be coming soon enough – primarily, there are lots of DVD and TV reviews I’ve yet to upload. This will be the next phase of the project.
3. I commissioned Joseph Gast, the photographer who created the awesome “Archive Project” logo, to make several different versions of the logo so that each year will have a different-colored picture associated with it (the logo appears on every archive article). Here’s the breakdown:
I don’t have the photo for 2011 made yet, but when I do, I will include it in one of these updates. Everybody please give Joseph a warm round of applause for his incredible work!
That’s all I have done for this week, and I should warn you that, since I’m going to be out of town this weekend, not much more will be done for next week. I suspect it won’t be until the third update that I will be fully done with 2008. Just hang in there, though – it’s all coming eventually.
Finally, here are a few articles new to the archives that you might want to check out:
--My first published “Top Ten” list; I would revise it pretty substantially today, but it’s a neat historical curiosity that’s worth a trip down memory lane.
Summer Movie Flashback Reviews: “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” and “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”
--You can access this entire special feature series in the archives, but I’m highlighting these two articles because this is the first time they’ve ever been published! I originally intended to review all four currently-released “Potter” flicks for this series, but when I passed the deadline with just these two written, they stayed on my hard drive. Elements of these reviews have shown up elsewhere, but my opinion on the films – especially “Goblet” – is so radically different that these are interesting historical curiosities.
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” Book Review
--A nice bit of nostalgia I honestly forgot I wrote. My emotions were so high and varied when this book came out that I want to highlight this article, which captures me at one of the most crucial moments in pop-culture history.
--The longest review I’d written up to that point, and indicative of a lot of my writing from the time: long in the tooth, a bit unfocused, but very enthusiastic. I’m glad my style has improved dramatically since then, but for a nice “then and now” demonstration, this is the review to look at.
--I would reorder this one too, but not as much. Since I reviewed all the films on the list this time, I’ve retrofitted the article with links to all the original review! So have at it!
That’s all for this week! I’ll see you next Tuesday for another Archive Weekly Update!