The "Monthly Stuff" Podcast #5 - Marvel Movie Marathon! Preparing for "The Avengers"
It’s time for another installment of The “Monthly Stuff” Podcast, where yours truly, Jonathan Lack, and Sean Chapman talk about…well, stuff.
This month, Sean and I are very, very excited about the May 4th release of Joss Whedon’s THE AVENGERS film, and to cope with our anticipation, we’ve decided to look at the Marvel Studios history leading to this monuments cinematic occasion! After a brief discussion of the Marvel-based franchises pre-“Iron Man,” we take an in-depth look at all the Marvel self-produced films: “Iron Man 1&2,” “The Incredible Hulk,” “Thor,” and “Captain America.” Sean and I are both very enthusiastic and knowledgeable on this subject, so it’s one of our liveliest – and best – podcasts yet. You won’t want to miss it! If you subscribe to the podcast, it should already be in your iTunes library, but otherwise…
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Enjoy the show!!
Intro: 0:00 – 0:04
News: Xbox 720 Updates, Mass Effect 3 Ending Controversy: 0:04 – 0:18
Topic – Reviewing the “Marvel Studios” Movies –
Iron Man 1&2, Incredible Hulk, Thor, and Captain America: 0:18 – 2:12