Welcome to Japanimation Station’s Kyoto Vacation, Season 4 of the anime podcast brought to you by the folks at The Weekly Stuff Podcast. We are here to dive into the wide and wonderful world of anime, and you can subscribe on all platforms at JapanimationStation.Com.
Part 6 of our Kyoto Vacation continues with the second Sound! Euphonium movie, and the one that directly follows on the events of the TV show to continue the story of Kumiko in her 2nd year at Kitauji. And it may be the most divisive episode of the season so far, as although Sean loved the film and found it a compelling exploration of Kumiko moving into her role as senpai to a new group of first-years, Jonathan was mostly unmoved, finding the film narratively insubstantial and awkwardly structured. But it makes for a really great conversation that helps us arrive at what the core of Sound! Euphonium is, the differences between the source material and Kyoto Animation’s adaptation, and what exactly it is we do – or don’t – respond to in this series.
Enjoy, and come back next week for the final episode of Part 6, as we review the just-completed Sound! Euphonium season 3, including the Ensemble Contest OVA.
Time Chart:
Theme Song: 0:00:00 – 0:01:30
Intro & History: 0:01:30 – 0:21:33
Eyecatch Break: 0:21:33– 0:22:09
Sound! Euphonim the Movie Review: 0:22:09 – 2:00:54
End Theme: 2:00:54 – 2:02:25
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Subscribe to The Weekly Stuff Podcast on all podcast platforms: http://www.weeklystuffpodcast.com
“re:CAPTURE” and “ice” – Original Music & Lyrics by Thomas Lack, featuring Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka. https://www.thomaslack.com