Welcome to Japanimation Station’s Kyoto Vacation, Season 4 of the anime podcast brought to you by the folks at The Weekly Stuff Podcast. We are here to dive into the wide and wonderful world of anime, and you can subscribe on all platforms at JapanimationStation.Com.
Part 6 of our Kyoto Vacation is titled ‘Yamada Naoko Strikes Back; or, I Have no Voice and I Must Sound! Euphonium,’ and in this week’s episode, both halves of that title meet, and then some. We are discussing the 2018 film Liz and the Blue Bird, a spin-off/side story to the main Sound! Euphonium narrative, focusing on the oboe and flute players Mizore and Nozomi as they navigate their unusual, fraught friendship while rehearsing a major solo for the Kansai competition. With an entirely different visual aesthetic and Yamada Naoko’s unmistakable voice shining through in every frame, Liz and the Blue Bird stands tall all on its own as a singular masterpiece, and to fully break down just how great the film is, we’ve brought in Jonathan’s concert-band-veteran brother, Thomas – also Japanimation Station’s in-house composer – as a guest on today’s episode.
Enjoy, and come back next week as we dive into Kumiko’s second year at Kitauji High with the awkwardly titled 2019 film Sound! Euphonium: The Movie – Our Promise: A Brand New Day.
Time Chart:
Theme Song: 0:00:00 – 0:01:30
Intro & History: 0:01:30 – 0:47:16
Eyecatch Break: 0:47:16– 0:47:52
Liz and the Blue Bird Review: 0:47:52 – 3:06:29
End Theme: 3:06:29 – 3:07:59
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Read the book 200 Reviews by Jonathan R. Lack in Paperback or on Kindle – https://a.co/d/bLx53vK
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Subscribe to The Weekly Stuff Podcast on all podcast platforms: http://www.weeklystuffpodcast.com
“re:CAPTURE” and “ice” – Original Music & Lyrics by Thomas Lack, featuring Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka. https://www.thomaslack.com