The Weekly Stuff #158 - Grab Bag! News, Movie Reviews, Remembering Gene Wilder, Titanfall 2 Beta, and No Man's Sky Kerfuffles
It’s time for another episode of The Weekly Stuff Podcast with Jonathan Lack & Sean Chapman, a weekly audio show that explores the worlds of film, television, and video games. You can subscribe for free in iTunes by following this link.
In one of the grab-baggiest grab-bag episodes we ever done, we recount two weeks of news and experience, starting with the death of Gene Wilder, a beloved actor who has certainly done plenty to shape both of our perceptions of cinema. Jonathan and Sean each talk about some video games they’ve been playing – including Hitman, Stardew Valley, and The Banner Saga – while Jonathan reviews some recent (and less-recent) movies, including Don’t Breathe, Southside with You, Hell or High Water, and The Nice Guys. For our first big topic, we break down the recent Titanfall 2 beta, which basically took a great foundation from Titanfall 1, threw it out the window, and replaced it with nothing but confusion and boredom. And after recapping some news, we finish the podcast with a second topic, in which we use the recent No Man’s Sky kerfuffles to discuss the media landscape at large.
Intro: 0:00:00 – 0:05:05
Remembering Gene Wilder: 0:05:05 – 0:17:57
Jonathan talks Stardew Valley and Banner Saga: 0:17:57 – 0:34:15
Sean talks Hitman: 0:34:15 – 0:52:45
Jonathan talks movies (Don’t Breathe, Southside with You, Hell or High Water, and The Nice Guys): 0:52:45 – 1:24:19
Sean and Jonathan talk Nioh and Battlefield 1 Betas: 1:24:19 – 1:32:34
Titanfall 2 Beta Discussion: 1:32:34 – 2:27:52
News Round-up: 2:27:52 – 3:02:46
No Man’s Sky Kerfuffles: 3:02:46 – 3:34:52
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