Weekly Suit Gundam #08 – Gundam ZZ Review & Discussion
It’s time for Weekly Suit Gundam, a show exploring the world of Mobile Suit Gundamfrom the The Weekly Stuff Podcast with Jonathan Lack & Sean Chapman. You can subscribe for free in iTunes by following this link.
After the abject darkness that was the ending of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, we come out on the other side to review and discuss its immediate successor, Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, a show that appears lighter at first glance…but is it? ZZ has a bad reputation among Western fans, but we’d argue it’s a deeply misunderstood and underappreciated gem, an essential follow-up to Zeta Gundam that masterfully shifts the franchise’s POV, boasts stunning visuals from start to finish, and is chock full of great characters, both heroes and villains alike. As the final TV entry in the initial Gundam trilogy, it wraps up the first saga of the Universal Century with aplomb, challenging much of what we thought we know and taking the series to bold, compelling new places along the way. It’s not one to miss, and this jam-packed discussion is a lot of fun.
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