Weekly Suit Gundam #50 – Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin – The Manga by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko Review & Discussion
It’s time for Weekly Suit Gundam, a show exploring the world of Mobile Suit Gundam from The Weekly Stuff Podcast with Jonathan Lack & Sean Chapman. You can subscribe for free in iTunes by following this link.
After breaking down all six episodes of the Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin OVA series, we’re back for one more Origin discussion to talk all about the manga by the legendary Yoshikazu Yasuhiko. Serialized over a full decade, Yasuhiko’s manga is a virtuoso ‘comicalization’ of the original Gundam anime, realized in loving detail with some of the most incredible art one will ever lay eyes on. The ‘flashback arc’ from the middle of the manga was adapted for the OVA, but there’s much more material here, and for this episode, we talk about how Yasuhiko’s telling compares to the original TV series, what changes we like or dislike, and why Yasuhiko’s heavily ‘decompressed’ style is so immersive and involving. This manga is one of the best and most singular corners of the entire Gundam universe, and is more than deserving than the episode we devote to it here.
Enjoy, and come back in April as we journey forth to the next Gundam TV series, Gundam Build Divers!
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