WGTC Radio #3 - Spider-Man Retrospective Spectacular! - Brand new Podcast!

The third installment of WGTC Radio, the podcast I host for entertainment website We Got This Covered, has arrived, and it’s a good one.
With The Amazing Spider-Man hitting theatres next week, co-host Sean Chapman and I decided to spend today’s podcast looking back on the original Sam Raimi trilogy starring Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst. The films arguably kick-started the modern superhero craze, and created a template for the comic-book genre that many filmmakers have since followed. What is their significance in movie history, how did they respect and interpret one of pop-culture’s most iconic characters, and how did the franchise develop from promising to brilliant to stagnant in a five-year period? All this and more is discussed in detail – it’s an episode Spider-Man fans won’t want to miss!
Enjoy, and join us next week when we go in-depth with a spoiler-filled commentary on Ridley Scott’s sci-fi sensation Prometheus. The Amazing Spider-Man itself will be discussed in detail on podcast #5, which will arrive two weeks from now on July 11th.
Also look for my written review of The Amazing Spider-Man on Monday, July 2nd at We Got This Covered, just in time to tell you whether or not you should rush to a midnight screening!
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