Announcing “Star Wars” Month on The Monthly Ten Podcast and JonathanLack.Com

On September 16th, the entire six-film Star Wars saga is finally coming to Blu-Ray Disc in what is surely one of the most anticipated box sets of all time. The films have never been presented in high-definition before, and if that wasn’t enough to energize fans, the set will also come with three discs of bonus features, including the long-awaited appearance of all the original trilogy deleted scenes! It’s an exciting time to be a Star Wars fan, and you can surely count me as a lifelong follower of the films.
That’s why I’m very happy to announce Star Wars Month here on JonathanLack.Com. Starting this Saturday and continuing through the rest of September, we’re going to have a ton of great Star Wars content for you to read and listen to, including a three-part Star Wars celebration on The Monthly Ten Audio Podcast (co-hosted by Sean Chapman), an eleven-day review of the upcoming Blu-Ray box set, along with other articles and features expressing our love for the franchise.
Details and Dates for all of “Star Wars Month” coming up after the jump…
The festivities begin this Saturday, September 10th on the Monthly Ten Podcast, where co-host Sean Chapman (an even bigger Star Wars aficionado than me) and I will kick off our three-part Star Wars Celebration. If you haven’t listened to the Monthly Ten before, the premise is that we create a top-ten list for something entertainment-related every month, but this month, we’re extending that to three episodes and at least two massive top-ten lists. In Part 1, we’ll be counting down the Top Ten “Star Wars” Characters; in Part 2, releasing one week later, Saturday, September 17th, we’ll continue with the Top Ten Ways the Prequel Films Could Have Been Improved, and finish things off on Saturday, September 24th with a ranking of the six films from best to worst, along with a few other surprises. Sean and I always have lively discussions, and this three-part podcast should be no exception (if I were you, I’d be especially excited for the prequel-centric Part 2).
If you haven’t subscribed to the Monthly Ten podcast yet, you can do so in iTunes by searching in the store or by clicking this link. It’s easy, free, and will ensure that all three parts of the podcast will be delivered to your iTunes library on release day! Episodes will also be available to stream online in your web browser by visiting
Coinciding with the podcast, I will be publishing an extensive review of the Complete Saga Blu-Ray Box Set. This is a massive nine-disc collection, so I feel the only way to really do it justice is to go day-by-day, disc-by-disc. Starting on Saturday, September 17th (the day after the set hits shelves), I’ll be doing just that, publishing one article per day focusing on an individual disc, with an bookending article on days one and eleven giving my general impressions of the set. Since Discs 1-6 contain the films, these articles will also contain reviews of each of the films in the series, and I will of course cover whatever changes George Lucas has added to these latest editions of the films.
Throughout the month, you’ll see some other Star Wars goodies here on the site. Next week’s Monday Musings column will be devoted to Star Wars memories, and Sean Chapman may contribute some columns about the franchise’s expanded universe and video games. Normal film and TV reviews will continue throughout the month as well.
The fun begins this Saturday, September 10th with the new Monthly Ten Podcast – don’t miss out, and make sure to visit throughout September’s Star Wars Month!
3-Part Star Wars Celebration on the Monthly Ten Podcast:
Saturday, September 10th – Part 1 (Top Ten Characters)
Saturday, September 17th – Part 2 (Top Ten Ways the Prequels Could Be Improved)
Saturday, September 24th – Part 3 (Ranking the Films)
“Complete Saga” Blu-Ray Set Review:
Begins Saturday, September 17th and continues for eleven days, ending Tuesday, September 27th.