The Weekly Stuff Podcast #222 – Nintendo Direct, Dragon Ball Beta, and 2018 Year-in-Preview

It’s time for another episode of The Weekly Stuff Podcast with Jonathan Lack & Sean Chapman, a weekly audio show that explores the worlds of film, television, and video games. You can subscribe for free in iTunes by following this link.
It’s a grab-bag style episode this week, as we cover a week’s worth of news items, including Thursday’s Nintendo Direct announcements, Sean reviews the beta for upcoming fighting game Dragon Ball FighterZ, and Jonathan talks about finally catching up on Pokken Tournament DX for Nintendo Switch. And for our main topic, we preview what’s to come in 2018 in terms of video games, looking at the confirmed games for Spring and discussing what we plan to play and review, and speculating about which games will and won’t come out through the rest of the year. We even play a silly game where we ‘draft’ which games we think won’t make speculated 2018 release dates, just for fun.
Enjoy, and come back for our next Doctor Who bonus podcast this Thursday!
Time Chart:
Intro & Stuff: 0:00:00 – 0:08:19
Sean’s Beta Corner – Dragon Ball FighterZ: 0:08:19 – 0:21:00
Jonathan talks Pokken Tournament DX: 0:21:00 – 0:32:50
News, including Nintendo Direct: 0:32:50 – 1:13:45
2018 Gaming Year-in-Preview: 1:13:45 – 1:46:38
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